KBTC Programmes Offered

Courses & studies fit for you



Our Academic Purpose

The purpose of Kenya Baptist Theological College is to provide a theological educational program for the churches of the Baptist Convention of Kenya and other evangelical churches sympathetic to the philosophy of the school. Unapologetically Baptist and distinctively evangelical and contextually-relevant. of God.


A dynamic theological center for Christian leadership training


To glorify God by training and developing Christlike leaders for our churches and ministries in Kenya and beyond.

KBTC Offered Programs

of Theology

KBTC offers a Bachelor of Theology which intake will be happening from Feb 2022. The format of the program is the same as that of the Diploma of Theology. The program is administered at KBTC and most of the courses are taught by KBTC faculty.

of Theology

Diploma of Theology is a two year program. It equips students with knowledge and skill necessary for one to enhance Christian ministries with effectively. The program is offered in a semi-residential format. Students are required to be on campus four times a week for four weeks in a year.

Academic Principle

We believe that Christianity is the faith of explanation and intelligence. The Bible, as the inspired and infallible Word of God, is the solid foundation of our curriculum and the basis of the philosophy of education and of life. We are pledged to maintain doctrinal faithfulness and will not retreat from the high ground of biblical authority and theological integrity.